Weight Loss Program Offered at Oklahoma Heart Institute Helps Millions Lose Weight

Every day there’s another new diet trending around the country: GOLO, keto, Mediterranean, Mayo Clinic, DASH, Weight Watchers and flexitarian, just to name a few.

However, if you want a weight loss program that delivers real results under expert medical supervision, look to the Health Management Resources (HMR) program offered at the Weight Loss & Wellness Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute.

Rated as one of the Best Diets by U.S. News & World Report for the past six years, HMR has helped more than 1 million people lose weight. Many people in the HMR program lost 2-3 times the weight loss seen in most other programs.

We asked Sarah Roberts, health educator for the Weight Loss & Wellness Center at Oklahoma Heart Institute, to answer a few questions about the HMR program.

Why do you recommend the HMR diet over these other diets?

“I recommend the HMR program because it uses meal replacements with unlimited fruits and vegetables,” Roberts said. “Both of these are high volume, low calorie and convenient, so people are able to eat more and stay full. This helps keep people from breaking the diet so they get to their goal faster. After you reach your goal, there is a weight maintenance phase that helps you maintain your weight loss, while using real-world food items so you can keep the weight off.”

How is the program structured?

“The HMR program contains a clear structure, foods you can eat more of to stay full, peer and coaching accountability, all of which lead to good weight loss results,” Roberts said. “It is also a safe, medically-supervised program for people who have certain health conditions, or need even more structure to get quick results.”

Who supervises the medical treatments in the program?

Dr. Eric Auerbach, director of the Weight Loss & Wellness Center, provides medical supervision to the patients as they progress toward their weight loss goal,” Roberts said. “His main interests are preventative cardiology and cardiovascular risk reduction; so losing weight helps reduce your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Together, with the appropriate medications for treating high blood pressure and diabetes, we have seen how effective this program has been in reducing medical risk factors. He is very confident in referring patients to the program.”

What do people say about the HMR Program?

“Our patients have great things to say about the program and how they have been able to keep the weight off,” Roberts said.

Patient success stories:

  • “This program takes the decisions out for you. There is no meal prep, everything is ready for you and you know exactly what you can eat. That was a game changer for me.”
  • “What is so different about this program is the Phase 2 maintenance phase. You can keep losing weight but weight maintenance is key in Phase 2. I highly recommend the program. It has changed my life!”
  • “I had tried several other weight loss programs in the past, but once I completed them, I would always gain the weight back because the programs didn’t have maintenance portions.”
  • “The major portion of the program that I try to focus on are the life skills we discuss and establish for the rest of our lives. I don’t consider HMR a diet. It is a lifestyle change!”
  • “I was never hungry.”
  • “I have enjoyed being a part this group because others held me accountable for my choices. I found friends with the same interests and goals. We had great support from the HMR staff, I learned how to continue this program for a long time and we were all successful in losing weight!”

Should someone start the HMR program in the midst of the holidays, or is it better to wait till January?

“I recommend that people wait until the New Year to start the program to ensure a strong start,” Roberts said. “In January, we will be kicking off 2022 strong by giving everyone who joins the in clinic program a $100 off coupon to use at the Weight Loss & Wellness Center.”

There are, however, things you can do in December to get ready for the program:

  • Schedule your preprogram appointments
  • Complete your paperwork
  • Talk through the HMR plan with your friends and family

“Since we are a medically-supervised program, there are a number of steps we will take to set up the program for you,” Roberts said. “Once you call to sign up, it will take 1-2 weeks to officially start the program.”

To get started or for more information, visit the HMR website or call (918) 579-3444.