April 2013

National Sleep Apnea Awareness Day: Focus on Solutions

Do you remember the last time you slept well throughout the night? How about the last time you woke up refreshed with energy to last all day? It is safe to say the vast majority of Americans can’t say yes to either of these questions, but for an estimated 12 million Americans, their sleep is disrupted on a nightly basis due to sleep apnea, a condition that can lead to serious health complications.

Midtown Tulsa Sleep Lab Renovated and Updated

Oklahoma Heart Institute Sleep Care of Hillcrest Medical Center, located in midtown (21st and Columbia Ave.) recently received a complete renovation and is equipped with the latest equipment and amenities to provide quality, in-depth sleep studies for our patients. The 6 bed sleep lab is available most nights for sleeps studies and features Sleep Number beds, flat screen televisions and a coffee and breakfast bar. Patients can be referred for a sleep study by Dr. Kevin Lewis, Dr. Jana Loveless or through their primary care physician.

Questions to Ask Your Cardiologist

Whether you are consulting with a cardiologist regarding the results of a screening test or referred by your primary care physician, patients often have a list of questions to ask the doctor, but don’t know where to start. It is important to spend time with your cardiologist to better understand your diagnosis and treatment options if recommended. Here is a list of questions to consider asking your cardiologist or primary care physician.

What to ask